Translation Factory is one of the partners we rely on in carrying out our various projects. The process of Registering Plant Protection Products, Biocides and Fertilizers requires a special attention, since these are specialized areas of expertise and, as such, the accuracy of the information is essential. With the help of Translation Factory we managed to fulfill our objectives.
Translation Factory will provide comfort through high quality proofreading services made by accurate and experienced certified translators.
Proofreading is the process of examining a text in order to detect and correct errors and mistakes in grammar, spelling and style, to ensure the accuracy and cultural relevancy of your document.
It may seem a simple process but in fact it involves a great amount of energy.
TranslationFactory proofreading specialists will use any technique needed to fulfill the responsibility of 100% accurate and on time proofreading.
- working from a printout or computer screen depending on the type of the document; reading out loud;
- covering up the lines below to increase focus on the proofread line;
- using the search function to find mistakes most likely to be made;
- perform the final spelling check;
and many more…